
A wrapper around the Web Animations API.


class Animation(component, effect)

An Animation object is returned from the Effect.animate() method and the animate() function. It provides playback control for an animation.

class Effect(transition, **effect_timing_options)

A combination of a Transition object and timing options. An effect can be used to animate an Anvil Component via its .animate() method. The effect_timing_options are equivalent to those listed at EffectTiming. These options have identical defaults to those listed on MDN, except for duration, which defaults to 333ms.

class Transition(**css_frames)

A dictionary-based class. Each key should be a CSS/ transform property in camelCase, with a list of frames. Each frame in the list represents a style to hit during the animation. The first value in the list is where the animation starts, and the final value is where the animation ends. See Pre-computed Transitions for examples.

Unlike the Web Animations API, the transform CSS property can be written as separate properties.

e.g. transform=["translateX(0) scale(0)", "translateX(100%) scale(1)"] becomes Transition(scale=[0, 1], translateX=[0, "100%"]).

A limitation of this approach is that all transform-based properties must have the same number of frames.

The Web Animations API uses a keyframes object in place of the anvil_extras Transition object. A keyframes object is typically a dictionary of lists or a list of dictionaries. Any transition argument in the anvil_extras.animate module can be replaced with a keyframes object. i.e. if you find an animation example on the web, you can use its keyframes object directly without having to convert it to a Transition object.

animate(component, transition, **timing_options)

A shortcut for animating an Anvil Component. Returns an Animation instance.


Animate on Show

Use the show event to animate an Anvil Component. This could also be at the end of an __init__ function, after any expensive operations are complete.

Creating a Effect allows the effect to be re-used by multiple components.

from anvil_extras.animation import Effect, Transition

fade_in = Transition(opacity=[0, 1])
effect = Effect(fade_in, duration=500)

def card_show(self, **event_args):

Alternatively, use animate with a Transition and timing options.

from anvil_extras.animation import animate, fade_in

def card_show(self, **event_args):
    animate(self.card, fade_in, duration=500)

Animate on Remove

When a component is removed, we need to wait for the animation to complete before removing it.

from anvil_extras.animation import animate, fade_out, Easing, Effect

leave_effect = Effect(fade_out, duration=500, easing=Easing.ease_out)

def button_click(self, **event_args):
    if self.card.parent is not None:
        # We can't do this in the hide event because we're already off the screen!

Combine Transitions

Transitions can be combined with the | operator. They will be merged like dictionaries.

from anvil_extras.animation import animate, zoom_out, fade_out, Transition

zoom_fade_out = zoom_out | fade_out
zoom_fade_in = reversed(zoom_fade_out)

def button_click(self, **event_args):
    if self.card.parent is not None:
        t = zoom_fade_out | Transition.height_out(component)
        animate(self.card, t, duration=500).wait()

Animate on Visibility Change

Some work is needed to animate a component when the visible property changes. A helper function might look something like this:

from anvil_extras.animation import Transition, wait_for

zoom = Transition(scale=[.3, 1], opacity=[0, 1])

def visible_change(self, component):
    if is_animating(component):

    is_visible = component.visible
    if not is_visible:
        # Set this now because we need it on the screen to measure its height.
        # If you have a show event for this component, it may also fire.
        component.visible = True
        direction = "normal"
        direction = "reverse"

    t = zoom | Transition.height_in(component)
    animate(component, t, duration=900, direction=direction)

    if is_visible:
        # We're animating — wait for the animation to finish before setting `visible` to False.
        wait_for(component) # equivalent to animation.wait() or wait_for(animation)
        component.visible = False

Swap Elements

Swapping elements requires us to animate from one component to another. We wait for the animation to finish. Then, we remove the components and add them back in their new positions. Removing and adding components happen quickly, so the user only sees the components switching places.

from anvil_extras.animation import animate

def button_click(self, **event_args):
    # Animate, wait, then remove and re-add.
    components = self.linear_panel.get_components()
    c0, c1 = components[0], components[1]
    animate(c0, end_at=c1)
    animate(c1, end_at=c0).wait()
    self.linear_panel.add_component(c0, index=0)
    self.linear_panel.add_component(c1, index=0)

An alternative version would obtain the positions of the components. Then, remove and add the components to their new positions. Finally, animate the components, starting from their original positions to their new ones.

from anvil_extras.animation import animate, get_bounding_rect, is_animating

def button_click(self, **event_args):
    # Get positions, remove, change positions, reverse animate.
    components = self.linear_panel.get_components()
    c0, c1 = components[0], components[1]
    if is_animating(c0) or is_animating(c1):
    p0, p1 = get_bounding_rect(c0), get_bounding_rect(c1)
    self.linear_panel.add_component(c0, index=0)
    self.linear_panel.add_component(c1, index=0)
    animate(c0, start_at=p0)
    animate(c1, start_at=p1)

Switching Positions in a RepeatingPanel

Here’s what that code might look like:

from anvil_extras.animation import animate

class Form1(Form1Template):
    def __init__(self, **properties):
        self.repeating_panel_1.set_event_handler('x-swap', self.swap)

    def swap(self, component, is_up, **event_args):
        """This event is raised by a child component."""
        items = self.repeating_panel_1.items
        components = self.repeating_panel_1.get_components()
        i = components.index(component)
        j = i - 1 if is_up else i + 1
        if j < 0:
            # We can't go negative.
        c1 = component
            c2 = components[j]
        except IndexError:

        animate(c1, end_at=c2)
        animate(c2, end_at=c1).wait()
        items[i], items[j] = items[j], items[i]
        self.repeating_panel_1.items = items

class ItemTemplate1(ItemTemplate1Template):
    def __init__(self, **properties):
        # Set Form properties and Data Bindings.
        # Any code you write here will run when the form opens.

    def up_btn_click(self, **event_args):
        """This method is called when the button is clicked"""
        self.parent.raise_event('x-swap', component=self, is_up=True)

    def down_btn_click(self, **event_args):
        """This method is called when the button is clicked"""
        self.parent.raise_event('x-swap', component=self, is_up=False)

Full API

is_animating(component, include_children=False)

Returns a boolean indicating whether the component is animating. If include_children is set to True, all child elements will also be checked.

wait_for(component_or_animation, include_children=False)

If given an animation, this is equivalent to animation.wait(). If given a component, this function will wait for all running animations on the component to finish. If include_children is set to True, all child elements will also be waited for.

animate(component, transition=None, start_at=None, end_at=None, use_ghost=False, **effect_timing_options)

component: an Anvil Component or Javascript HTMLElement

transition: Transition object

effect_timing_options: various options to change the behavior of the animation, e.g., duration=500.

use_ghost: When set to True, a ghost element (i.e. a visual copy) will be animated. Using a ghost element allows the component to be animated outside of its container.

start_at, end_at: Can be set to a Component or DOMRect (i.e. a computed position of a component from get_bounding_rect). If either start_at or end_at are set, this will determine the start/end position of the animation. If one value is set and the other is omitted, the omitted value will be assumed to be the current position of the component. A ghost element is always used when start_at / end_at are set.


Returns a DOMRect object. A convenient way to get the height, width, x, y values of a component. Where the x, y are the absolute positions on the page from the top-left corner.

class Transition(cssProp0=list[str], cssProp1=list[str], transformProp0=list[str], offset=list[int | float])

Takes CSS/transform property names as keyword arguments, and each value should be a list of frames for that property. The number of frames must match across all transform-based properties.

fly_right = Transition(translateX=[0, "100%"], scale=[1, 0], opacity=[0, 0.25, 1])

is valid since opacity is not a transform property.

slide_right = Transition(translateX=[0, "100%"], scale=[1, 0.75, 0])

is invalid since scale and translateX are transform properties with mismatched frame lengths.

Each frame in the list of frames represents a CSS value to be applied across the transition. Typically, the first value is the start of the transition, and the last value is the end. Lists can be more than 2 values; in this case, the transition will be split across the values evenly. You can customize the even split by setting an offset that has values from 0 to 1.

fade_in_slow = Transition(opacity=[0, 0.25, 1], offset=[0, 0.75, 1])

Transition objects can be combined with the | operator, which behaves like merging dictionaries. t = reversed(slide_right) | zoom_in | fade_in | Transition.height_in(component) If two transitions have mismatched frame lengths for transform properties, this will fail.

classmethod height_out(cls, component)

Returns a Transition starting from the current height of the component and ending at 0 height.

classmethod height_in(cls, component)

Returns a Transition starting from height 0 and ending at the current height of the component.

classmethod width_out(cls, component)

Returns a Transition starting from the current width of the component and ending at 0 width.

classmethod width_in(cls, component)

Returns a Transition starting from width 0 and ending at the current width of the component.


Returns a Transition with all frames reversed for each property.

class Effect(transition, **effect_timing_options)

Create an effect that can later be used to animate a component. The first argument should be a Transition object. Other keyword arguments should be effect timing options.

animate(self, component, use_ghost=False)

Animate a component using an effect object. If use_ghost is True, a ghost element will be animated. Returns an Animation instance.

getKeyframes(self, component)
Returns the computed keyframes that make up this effect. Can be used in place of the ``transition`` argument in other functions.
getTiming(self, component)
Returns the EffectTiming object associated with this effect.
class Animation(component, effect)

An Animation object will be returned from the Effect.animate() method and the animate() function. Provides playback control for an animation.


Aborts animation playback.


Commits the end styling state of an animation to the element.


Seeks the end of an animation.


Suspends playing of an animation.


Starts or resumes playing of an animation, or begins the animation again if it previously finished.


Explicitly persists an animation when it would otherwise be removed.


Reverses playback direction and plays.

updatePlaybackRate(self, playback_rate)

Sets the new speed. A positive number speeds up or slows down the animation; a negative number reverses it, and zero pauses it.


Animations are not blocking. Call the wait function to wait for an animation to finish in a blocking way.


Gets or sets the playback rate.


Sets a callback for when the animation finishes.

Sets a callback for when the animation is canceled.
Sets a callback for when the animation is removed.

An Enum-like instance with some common easing values.

Easing.ease, Easing.ease_in, Easing.ease_out, Easing.ease_in_out, and Easing.linear.

cubic_bezier(p0, p1, p2, p3)

Creates a cubic_bezier easing value from 4 numerical values.

Pre-computed Transitions

Attention Seekers

  • pulse = Transition(scale=[1, 1.05, 1])

  • bounce = Transition(translateY=[0, 0, "-30px", "-30px", 0, "-15px", 0, "-15px", 0], offset=[0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.43, 0.53, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1])

  • shake = Transition(translateX=[0] + ["10px", "-10px"] * 4 + [0])


  • fade_in = Transition(opacity=[0, 1])

  • fade_in_slow = Transition(opacity=[0, 0.25, 1], offset=[0, 0.75, 1])

  • fade_out = reversed(fade_in)


  • slide_in_up = Transition(translateY=["100%", 0])

  • slide_in_down = Transition(translateY=["-100%", 0])

  • slide_in_left = Transition(translateX=["-100%", 0])

  • slide_in_right = Transition(translateX=["100%", 0])

  • slide_out_up = reversed(slide_in_down)

  • slide_out_down = reversed(slide_in_up)

  • slide_out_left = reversed(slide_in_left)

  • slide_out_right = reversed(slide_in_right)


  • rotate = Transition(rotate=[0, "360deg"])


  • zoom_in = Transition(scale=[.3, 1])

  • zoom_out = reversed(zoom_in)


  • fly_in_up = slide_in_up | zoom_in | fade_in

  • fly_in_down = slide_in_down | zoom_in | fade_in

  • fly_in_left = slide_in_left | zoom_in | fade_in

  • fly_in_right = slide_in_right | zoom_in | fade_in

  • fly_out_up = reversed(fly_in_down)

  • fly_out_down = reversed(fly_in_up)

  • fly_out_left = reversed(fly_in_left)

  • fly_out_right = reversed(fly_in_right)