
A server module that provides dynamic serialisation of data table rows.

A single data table row is converted to a dictionary of simple Python types. A set of rows is converted to a list of those dictionaries.


Let’s imagine we have a data table named ‘books’ with columns ‘title’ and ‘publication_date’.

In a server module, import and call the function datatable_schema to get a marshmallow Schema instance:

from anvil.tables import app_tables
from anvil_extras.serialisation import datatable_schema
from pprint import pprint

schema = datatable_schema("books")

To serialise a row from the books table, call the schema’s dump method:

book = app_tables.books.get(title="Fluent Python")
result = schema.dump(book)

>> {"publication_date": "2015-08-01", "title": "Fluent Python"}

To serialise several rows from the books table, set the many argument to True:

books =
result = schema.dump(books, many=True)

>> [{'publication_date': '2015-08-01', 'title': 'Fluent Python'},
>>  {'publication_date': '2015-01-01', 'title': 'Practical Vim'},
>>  {'publication_date': None, 'title': "The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy"}]

To exclude the publication date from the result, pass its name to the server function:

from anvil.tables import app_tables
from anvil_extras.serialisation import datatable_schema
from pprint import pprint

schema = datatable_schema("books", ignore_columns="publication_date")
books =
result = schema.dump(books, many=True)

>> [{'title': 'Fluent Python'},
>>  {'title': 'Practical Vim'},
>>  {'title': "The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy"}]

You can also pass a list of column names to ignore.

If you want the row id included in the results, set the with_id argument:

from anvil.tables import app_tables
from anvil_extras.serialisation import datatable_schema
from pprint import pprint

schema = datatable_schema("books", ignore_columns="publication_date", with_id=True)
books =
result = schema.dump(books, many=True)

>> [{'_id': '[169162,297786594]', 'title': 'Fluent Python'},
>>  {'_id': '[169162,297786596]', 'title': 'Practical Vim'},
>>  {'_id': '[169162,297786597]',
>>   'title': "The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy"}]

Linked Tables

Let’s imagine we also have an ‘authors’ table with a ‘name’ column and that we’ve added an ‘author’ linked column to the books table.

To include the author in the results for a books search, create a dict to define, for each table, the linked columns in that table the linked table they refer to:

from anvil.tables import app_tables
from anvil_extras.serialisation import datatable_schema
from pprint import pprint

# The books table has one linked column named 'author' and that is a link to the 'authors' table
linked_tables = {"books": {"author": "authors"}}
schema = datatable_schema(
books =
result = schema.dump(books, many=True)

>> [{'author': {'name': 'Luciano Ramalho'}, 'title': 'Fluent Python'},
>>  {'author': {'name': 'Drew Neil'}, 'title': 'Practical Vim'},
>>  {'author': {'name': 'Douglas Adams'},
>>   'title': "The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy"}]

Finally, let’s imagine the ‘authors’ table has a ‘date_of_birth’ column but we don’t want to include that in the results:

from anvil.tables import app_tables
from anvil_extras.serialisation import datatable_schema
from pprint import pprint

linked_tables = {"books": {"author": "authors"}}
ignore_columns = {"books": "publication_date", "authors": "date_of_birth"}
schema = datatable_schema(
books =
result = schema.dump(books, many=True)

>> [{'author': {'name': 'Luciano Ramalho'}, 'title': 'Fluent Python'},
>>  {'author': {'name': 'Drew Neil'}, 'title': 'Practical Vim'},
>>  {'author': {'name': 'Douglas Adams'},
>>   'title': "The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy"}]