
A lightweight logging implementation, similar to Python’s logging module. It can be used on both the server and the client. It supports logging levels and a custom format.


from anvil_extras.logging import Logger, DEBUG

user_logging = Logger(
    format="{name}-{level} {datetime:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}: {msg}",

user_logging.info("user logging ready")
# outputs 'user-INFO 2022-01-01 12:00:00: user logging ready'


class Logger(name='root', level=logging.INFO, format='{name}: {msg}', stream=sys.stdout)

The name of the logger. Useful for distinguishing loggers in app logs.


One of logging.NOTSET, logging.DEBUG, logging.INFO, logging.WARNING, logging.CRITICAL If the logging level is set to logging.INFO, then only logs at the level of INFO, WARNING or CRITICAL will be logged. This is useful for turning on and off debug logs in your app.


A format string. Valid options include name, level, msg, datetime, time, date.


A valid stream is any object that has a valid .write() and .flust() method. The default stream is the sys.stdout stream. This will log to the console in the IDE and get passed to the app logs. A valid python stream can be used. On the client, you may want to create your own.


To stop a logger from outputting to the console set it to disabled logger.disabled = True.

class CustomStream:
    def __init__(self, lbl):
        self.lbl = lbl

    def write(self, text):
        self.lbl.text += text

    def flush(self):
log(level, msg)

The level is a valid logging level. If the level is greater than or equal to the logger’s level the msg will be logged according to the logger’s format.


Equivalent to logger.log(logging.DEBUG, msg)


Equivalent to logger.log(logging.INFO, msg)


Equivalent to logger.log(logging.WARNING, msg)


Equivalent to logger.log(logging.ERROR, msg)


Equivalent to logger.log(logging.CRITICAL, msg)

get_format_params(*, level, msg, **params)

This method can be overridden by a subclass. Any extra params can be used in the format string.

class TimerLogger(Logger):
    def get_format_params(self, **params):
        elapsed = time.time() - self.curr_time
        return super().get_format_params(elapsed=elapsed, **params)

# with UID

from anvil_extras.uuid import uuid4

class UIDLogger(Logger):
    def __init__(self, name="uid logger", uid=None, level=INFO, format="{uid}: {msg}"):
        super().__init__(name=name, level=level, format=format)
        self.uid = uid or uuid4()

    def get_format_params(self, **params):
        return super().get_format_params(uid=self.uid, **params)


The TimerLogger is a subclass of Logger and allows for debug timing in various ways. It supports an extra format argument elapsed. The default format for a TimerLogger is: "{time:%H:%M:%S} | {name}: ({elapsed:6.3f} secs) | {msg}"

It adds 3 methods to the API above:


records the starting timestamp

check(msg='check', restart=False)

records the elapsed time (optionally restart the TimerLogger)


records the elapsed time and ends the TimerLogger

The TimerLogger can be used to check times between lines of code.

from anvil_extras.logging import TimerLogger
from time import sleep

T = TimerLogger("my timer")
T.start("starting") # optional msg
T.check("first check") # optional msg
T.check("second check", restart=True) # restarts the timer
T.end() # optional msg - ends the timer

The above code logs:

# 20:57:56 | my timer: ( 0.000 secs) | starting
# 20:57:57 | my timer: ( 1.012 secs) | first check
# 20:58:00 | my timer: ( 4.020 secs) | second check (restart)
# 20:58:02 | my timer: ( 2.005 secs) | end

Each method can take an optional msg argument. Each method calls the the .debug() method, i.e. if you set TimerLogger(level=logging.INFO), then the above logs would not be displayed in the console.

A TimerLogger can be used with a with statement (as a context manager).

from anvil_extras.logging import TimerLogger
from time import sleep

def foo():
    with TimerLogger("timing foo") as T:
        T.check("first check")
        T.check("second check", restart=True)

When used as a context manager the TimerLogger will call the .start() and .end() method.

The TimerLogger can be used as a convenient decorator.

from anvil_extras.logging import TimerLogger
from time import sleep

@TimerLogger("foo timer")
def foo():


# 21:12:47 | foo timer: ( 0.000 secs) | start
# 21:12:48 | foo timer: ( 1.014 secs) | end

For a more detailed timing decorator use anvil_extras.utils.timed decorator.